Experience (1999)
James Moats in Asheville, NC
experience is found
when you don't find what you're looking for
and the knowledge of this is why i live
i could sit and talk about
things i know nothing about
but that's not what turns me on
you could fill a room
with things that are unspoken
but everyone knows they're true
how can you tell
i don't know you just take for granted
that they'll never be back to bite you
step outside and look around
break on through the shell that binds you
walk up to the fears that come
and wrap them all around you
now i can sit back
and talk a bunch of bullshit
but if i don't live it that's all it is (it's bullshit)
we know life is about
anything you choose to make it
and if that's that i plan to do
chew off an ear
and fill it with this garbage
then i guess it's up to you
to step outside and open your eyes
and take the advice i give you
if you don't want to be like me
just spewing out philosophy
2000 - Experience
in Asheville, NC on PC with drum mosheen
Added 04/07/2004
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