Cool it!

Monday, August 27, 2018

I picked up a plastic tote at Kmart on my way home from work. Filled it with water and parked the fermenter in it.

Once or twice a day, I dropped a plastic freezer bag full of ice cubes in to cool it down some more. This took the temperature of the fermenter from 75° down to 70-72°

A few days later, I bought a twelve pack of grocery store brand 12oz water bottles and froze them. Using those, I was able to stop messing with freezer bags full of ice cubes and could drop the frozen bottles more frequently, two to three times a day. This got the temperature down to 68-70°.

Also, the peel and stick thermometer that came with the brew kit isn’t water proof. After a couple of days in the water, the outer plastic layer peeled off, rendering it unreadable.

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